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Strange Bug. How to fix this??

Marc Lindsay

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I have 3 sections and in each section, there are around 5 categories, whose names are all identical.


Just what differs is the Section, which makes it different..


Now, im using all that for one directory..


And im using the jReviews Sh404sef Patch also with the latest version of anything digital sh404sef.



But whats its happening that,


1. I have listed all of my categories in a nice manner under different sections on the main nav.

2. But now the URLs are like this for each category, http://www.abc.com/category-name/


As I said,many of categories are identical and just section names are different..


So, i expected that,

my URLs will generated will be like this,





But alas, the whole site is dying now, with all similar pages, while they all are different  ??? ??? ???

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