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[solved] Google is preferring jReviews hidden menu items


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Hi everyone,


this may be a rather cosmetic issue, but I noticed the following: I am still not using jReview's SEF-plugin(but I am planning to) and have setup a bunch of hidden menu items for nicer SEF URLs.


My portal structure:



I have created hidden menu items for the subcategory, thus a URL of my detailed listing now looks as desired:



Having a look at Google indexing my site, I noticed that


a) www.example.com/subcategory is preferred




b) www.example.com/directory/category/subcategory


My cosmetic problem: a) does not look as nice as b) (because it's probably based on category blogview of my template instead of jReviews rendering)


a) on live server: http://bit.ly/1ato6Fz


b) on live server: http://bit.ly/1gppKAD


same thing on your demo:


a) http://demo.reviewsforjoomla.com/hotels




b) http://demo.reviewsforjoomla.com/city-guide/hotels


Is there any workaround how to solve this?


Setting up categories as hidden menues as well? But in this case my listing detail page URLs will change as well, right?


Can the SEF-Plugin provide any help here? Blocking a) at Google of course is not a very smart idea, because then my listings would not be captured as well.


Thanks for any hint and may it be: deal with it that's the way Google goes ;-)





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