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menu items or categories named review


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I am pretty sure this is still true but just wanted to confirm:




6. None of your menus or sections should have a "reviews" alias, or you can end up with 404 error pages or listing URLs always taking you back to the section/category list page. The JReviews plugin for sh404sef prepends a segment to the JReviews URLs so all URLs start with /reviews. If you want to change the /reviews segment to something else, you can edit the com_jreviews.php plugin in /components/com_jreviews/sef_ext folder. Find the code below and change the 'reviews' string to something else.


Is it still the best plan of least resistance to not name a menu item or category 'review'


I was hoping to have a URL like this:



If I attempt a url like this am I most likely creating potenial problems and work in the future?


Thanks!  - Steven



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