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Possible BUG: incorrect behavior when module used on article

Christopher Ambler

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This one was a BEAR to diagnose! But here's the scoop - I created an article in Joomla entitled, "Travel Notices" and put some text in the article that said, essentially, "Here are all of the travel notices on this site." I created a menu item to that article using the Joomla article view.


I then placed the mod_jreviews_geomaps module on that menu item.


The idea being that the article is displayed, and along with the article is the geomaps module. I set the section of the module to 10, which is the section I use for JReviews listings that are "travel notices." This lets my users create listings telling people where they will be when they travel.


PROBLEM: com_jreviess/addons/geomaps/controllers/module/module_geomap_controller.php around line 92 (presuming that my formatting didn't change that) has code that checks to see if the $view is "article" and the $task is "view" and that the $option is "com_content" ... if so, it PRESUMES THAT WE'RE IN DEAIL VIEW. This causes conditions[] to get an extra entry constraining the query to Listing.id being the id of the content item!


In most cases, that makes sense. But in this case, where I just want the module to display on an article that has, as its contents, information about the map the user is being shown, NO LISTINGS ARE FOUND, since the query thinks it's in detail view!


So the solution is to change the value of $detail_view in the params from 1 (show detail marker only) to 0 (show all category markers).


But this was some serious confusion until I was able to trace through it.


My only issue here, and why I say it's a "possible" bug, is simply because you're checking the task/view/option as a way to see if we're in a detail view, and that's not always going to be correct - in my scenario, we're NOT in detail view, yet the task/view/option are set as if we were, since I *want* to display an article with the module.


Plus, it makes me wonder how the module would know if an "everywhere" integrated component were in detail view, especially if it doesn't use com_content?

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