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Questions to Zoom Level/Boundaries in Geomaps Module


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Please allow me to ask a couple of questions where I don't even have an approach on how to solve these issues, all are (at least in my opinion) somehow related to the Zoom level of Geomaps Module and I hope you can clear out some things for me:


1. I really like the option to define a Default Zoom Level for Detail pages which you added in the last update. This now solved the problem of the "Details of this zoom level are not available" message in Detail pages, however if there is only one listing in a category this problem still comes up in the listings tableview page. Is there a way to add this feature for listings tableview as well, maybe manually if there is only one listing available?


2. I have category autodetect enabled which ends up in showing the viewport of a category defined for all available listings in the category. But a lot of times it happens to me that some listing markers are not visible anymore (and so not clickable without moving the map manually), because the marker is set right at the border of the map (and so the user might not know that there are also other listings available). Is there a way to add some additional space of e.g. 40 px  around the boudaries of so that the markers on the edge of the map are also visible?


3. I have successfully added Adsmanger to the map, it works fine now but I have a problem with the Zoom level. If I don't define it manullay the default MinZoomLevel is set to 6 according to Google's api reference. I can add a custom minZoomLevel to the adsManagerOptions string defining from which Zoom Level it should start to show ads. But the module is now showing ads in all Zoom Levels, no matter which value I enter. All other functions like maxAdsOnMap take imediate effect if I change the values, only the MinZommLevel doesn't apply. Do you have any idea where this problem could come from, is it possible that the module is not "communicating" the Zoom level so that Google will know which Zoom level is currently on (Which I actually doubt, otherwise the function in 1. wouldn't work if I understand this right). So do you think this is a problem I have to address to Google (if so, which api version are we working with?) or do you have any idea where this would come from?


I know these are more customization issues, but especially 1. and 2. could be of common interest as I think this might be disturbing for other users as well. Any help on these issues will be highly appreciated!



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