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Core Sef

Guest David Crebbin

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I'm having problems understanding how to get core SEF working with Jreviews the way I would like. If this has already been answered, apologies and please direct me to that post!


My setup:


Directory name: Review

Section name: Review

Category name: Review


I then create a new listing under Review with a name such as: New Product


I notice that the article is created under article manager. I have Joomla 1.5.12 and JReivews currently installed.


Once I save this review the url created under a listing becomes something a little odd like:




Those numbers appear to be the items id, and not to sure as to why it links like 'components/article/...'


However, when i go to the menu manager and create a menu link to the article as a standard article  i can navigate to the url if I type it in the address bar:




and it looks correct. My issue is that JReviews does not do this automatically and create the correct url link in the listing.


Any ideas?  ???


Thank you ???

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