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Meta Title

Guest Tyler Polacek

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I hate how joomla uses the article title as the meta title.  I want to be able to customize the title for each review, is their anyway to do this?  Ideally what I would like to do is have the title be "Product 1 Name Reviews | Product1url.com Reviews"  I would also like to be able to do this on the meta description and keywords.  Is their anyway to automate this and have it input values from custom fields?


So lets say we have the following, product name, product url, is their a way for every review we could have the metas be


Title: Product Name Reviews | Product URL Reviews

Description: Reviews of Product Url brought to you by example.com

Keywords: Product Name, Product URL


Any thoughts or advice is deeply appreciated.  At a bare minimum I would like a way to customize the title, as I can manually do the description and keywords manually in a worse case scenario.

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