Guest dojunk Posted March 19, 2009 at 01:14 PM Share Posted March 19, 2009 at 01:14 PM Searching this forum for ood seo, I found this article and apply to my system..Thanks to BigDutch#2..,com_smf/Itemid,34/topic,5501.0/ So I come up with this codes.. /********************************************************************************** * META DATA **********************************************************************************/ $separator = ','; $separator2 = 'aaaaaa,bbbbbb,ccccccc,ddddddd'; $introtextlimit = $Text->truncate($listing['Listing']['text'],100,','); $newmetatitle = $listing['Listing']['title']. ',' .$separator2; $newmetakey = $listing['Listing']['title']. ',' .$separator2; $newmetadesc = $listing['Listing']['title']. '-' .$newmetakey. '-' .$introtextlimit; cmsFramework::meta('title', $newmetatitle); cmsFramework::meta('description',$newmetadesc); cmsFramework::meta('keywords',$newmetakey); if($this->action == 'detail' || $this->action == 'view') { if(Configure::read('Cache.enable') && Configure::read('Cache.view')){ if($cachedMeta = S2Cache::read('meta_'.md5($this->here))) { $listing = $cachedMeta; } else { S2Cache::write('meta_'.md5($this->here),array('Listing'=>array('title'=>$listing['Listing']['title'],'metakey'=>$listing['Listing']['metakey'],'metadesc'=>$listing['Listing']['metadesc'])),Configure::read('Cache.expires')); } } cmsFramework::meta('title', $listing['Listing']['title']); cmsFramework::meta('keywords',$listing['Listing']['metakey']); cmsFramework::meta('description',$listing['Listing']['metadesc']); } ?> </s2:nocache> Here is my questions about it.. 1. I can't be able to add some custom text to title (seperator2 example)..Meta just shows default title..How Can i manage to do it? 2. When I view my listing article's source code, I see that title is well placed in description (twice)..But search engines crawls my article with no title in description at all.. If I am not misaken it started to happen when I enable the jreviews cache..It is %90 because of this but I need that cache feature to reduce my server load..How can we manage to it? P.s: I have written different metas for each of my categories..For some reason some metas work corectly.. Please advice.. Link to comment
Alejandro Posted March 19, 2009 at 01:38 PM Share Posted March 19, 2009 at 01:38 PM This section is only visible with a valid subscription. If you have a valid subscription, please login. Link to comment
Alejandro Posted March 20, 2009 at 12:08 AM Share Posted March 20, 2009 at 12:08 AM This section is only visible with a valid subscription. If you have a valid subscription, please login. Link to comment
Alejandro Posted March 20, 2009 at 01:05 PM Share Posted March 20, 2009 at 01:05 PM This section is only visible with a valid subscription. If you have a valid subscription, please login. Link to comment
Alejandro Posted March 20, 2009 at 01:07 PM Share Posted March 20, 2009 at 01:07 PM This section is only visible with a valid subscription. If you have a valid subscription, please login. Link to comment
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