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Array params on searching in jreviews: sh404

Guest miguelpinheiro

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I do not know if this is an issue related to jreviews sef file or sh404 itself.


After enabling sh404 (1.0.11_Beta - build_147 - Joomla 1.5.x) on my site running joomla 1.5.8 and jreviews (last release) I'm having problems getting a custom search module to work as I get no results.


The url I'm sending without sef enabled is:




This URL works fine as the search results are correct


Unfortunately, with sef enabled and using sh404 with jreviews sef plugin activated I'm getting no results. The URL is:





I guess this is happening because I'm using an array param in the URL...

Does anyone is having the same problem for this kind of URLs?



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