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Ajax conflicts between jreviews and IDoBlog v1.2 build 4

Guest Dragonstar

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Unfortunately there is an ajax conflict between IDoBlog Pro v1.2 build 4 and jreviews v (exactly with the s2framework). If both components are installed then the following error occurs if you want to anyone Menüitem of IDoBlog


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare xajaxerrorhandler() (previously declared in C:\Programme\xampp\htdocs\pulse2\components\com_idoblog\assets\libraries\xajax.inc.php:1212) in C:\Programme\xampp\htdocs\pulse2\components\com_s2framework\vendors\xajax_05\xajax_core\xajax.inc.php on line 1372


I know that this haven't to be the guilty of jreviews (ajax components conflicts often in Joomla, because Joomla has no integrated ajax framework) but it would be fantastic if this conflict could be fixed!


Homepage of IDoBlog: www.idojoomla.com

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