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Stock SEF is missing /article/ part in the URL! Broken SEF Links!


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I'm just using the core SEF URLs and I'm having problems with jReviews links to the article itself.  Before upgrading to the newest version of JR2, the article links would just link as follows:




But now, after the upgrade it is giving proper naming to the URL, which is fine, but it's missing the 'article' part of the URL:


http://www.faxtoemailguide.com/component/content/14-fax-to-email-services/36-srfax-review-user-reviews = doesn't work


instead of


http://www.faxtoemailguide.com/component/content/article/14-fax-to-email-services/36-srfax-review-user-reviews = works


I was also hoping it would follow the menu naming, as it should be http://www.faxtoemailguide.com/reviews/14-fax-to-email-services/36-srfax-review-user-reviews instead of the component link...


How can I solve this?


Thanks, and amazing module by the way!


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