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Elementor and Shortcodes


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I am using elementor to create a custom single post template to display detail listing the way I'd like them to look.

Here is an example shortcode I have tried to get to work, but nothing shows in the template.

As a test I just want to show the state field of a listing in the template I'm creating so I entered the shortcode below into all the available shortcode widgets and it's not displaying anything.

[jreviews type="field" name="jr_state"]

Many WordPress plugins include the shortcodes for fields and the are formatted pretty much the same.  Does Jreviews have this and I'm missing it?

If you ever used Advanced Custom FIelds, the WP Plugin, you know what I mean when you created a field for any use using it, it generates the shortcode automatically when you create the field, so this way you can copy the code and use data anywhere you want on your WP site.

There are so many ways to display data in WordPress and it would be nice to combine the power of Jreviews and Wordpress with the ability to put field data anywhere a shortcode widget can be placed.  If there is a way of doing this. please let me know.

Any feedback is appreciated.


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