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Vivaz hook for background image css per page

Go to solution Solved by Alejandro,

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Hi Alejandro,

Using the below vivaz hook for background image how do I make this work only for a single page, not all pages?

When I do this by hard coding to the template "Background Images" as a param setting, the template recognizes this only for the menu item set on the individual background, not all pages, but the hook shows the css on all pages.

Guessing I need a condition using the page <body> class to make this work but have no idea how to get it.

AND: For some reason I can't find our discussion on this.



Clickfwd\Vivaz\Vivaz::filter('showcase:background_image_css.header', function ($css, $bgImage) {
    $css['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)), '. $css['background-image'];

    return $css;
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