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Advanced listings filtering module and filters button on list pages


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Hi Alejandro,

For now I am only using the filtering module for used car lists pages and if publishing the module everything works on the used car category page.

On all other category list pages there is a Filters button that does nothing and there is no module published to those categories listing types or advanced search pages.

If showing the filter on a specific advanced search page (ie: for used cars listing type) using the settings in the module, the module shows on advanced search pages but the theme custom fields do not.

If using the filter button on list pages or search pages and no filtering module the results show listings from all categories.

I removed the required advanced search menu item and created advanced search menu items for every listing type to see if I could control more of the output but still get results from all categories where these results are not wanted.

How can I turn off the filters button that shows on every list and category page and control which pages filtering is used on? Did a search in JReviews ACP and read over the documentation but do not find a setting for this at any level or on the listing type. Probably missed something.


How can I stop irrelevant results from other listing types from showing in my used cars search filtered results? When using the module published to only the used car category and advanced search menu item for used cars listing type I am getting all listing types in filtered search results. Attached settings and theme code.



<!-- location -->
[reset label="Clear filter values" display_as="button"]

[filter name="keywords" label="Keywords" auto_open="1"] 

[filter label="Proximity search" name="jr_address" placeholder="City, address, zip code" show_dir="1,13" radius_min="25" radius_max="1000" radius_step="25" radius_default="25"]

<!-- Cars -->
[filtergroup name="Vehicle Details" show_listing_type="2" show_cat="8"]

	[filter name="jr_year"]
	[filter name="jr_make"]
	[filter name="jr_model"]
	[filter name="jr_trim"]
	[filter name="jr_bodystyle"]
	[filter name="jr_drivetype"]

[filtergroup name="Specifications" show_listing_type="2" show_cat="8"]

	[filter name="jr_fueleconomy"]
	[filter name="jr_fueltype"]
	[filter name="jr_cylinders"]
	[filter name="jr_transmission"]

	[filter name="jr_exteriorcolor"]

	[filter name="jr_interiorcolor"]


[filtergroup name="Specificarions" show_listing_type="2" show_cat="8"]

	[filter name="jr_exteriorfeatures"]
	[filter name="jr_interiorfeatures"]
	[filter name="jr_technologyfeatures"]
	[filter name="jr_safetyfeatures"]

	[filter name="jr_otherfeatures"]




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