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Can't get Twitter cards working quite right...

Jonathan Roseland

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I'm trying to get the Twitter cards working on my website, here for example


In Jreviews settings I set the twitter card to summary large image and my Twitter username. I input the Twitter meta tags into my site's header, here

<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"></meta>
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@marketplacegld" >
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@marketplacegld">
  <meta name="twitter:domain" content="MarketplaceGOLD.com">

I checked the Robots.txt file and there's no code disallowing Twitter, I also double checked the SSL certificate for the website and it's ranked: A 

In Twitter's card validator, it's telling me: ERROR: Failed to fetch page due to: HttpConnectionTimeout

And the cards do not show up if I copy/paste the URL to Twitter. They only seem to work if I press the twitter share button and sometimes they don't. Like here...


HTTP vs HTTPS seems to make a difference as to whether it shows up - I want my whole website to be HTTPs. Any idea what might be the issue here?

Also, what code would I add for the Twitter Username Listing Custom Field to show up automatically in the Tweet? If I Enable Auto Tweets will the Twitter card show up?


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