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Title field collation question


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I am wrestling with importing data from an Access database into JReviews. I cannot find much information on collation issues. I need to create a unique indexed varchar field on Title. It needs to be indexed to ensure only unique entries. e.g. Aché (the name of the Paraguayan indigenous peoples) is different from ache (a pain). The Access encoding is Latin1_General_CI_AS (case insensitive, accent sensitive). 

The closest equivalent I can find in MySQL is utf8mb4_0900_as_ci. That reduces effective character length to 191, but is acceptable as the vast majority of entries are below that.

I've seen one post with an image that uses the UTF8mb4_unicode_ci collation. Will using utf8mb4_0900_as_ci cause problems with JReviews? I can create a tie-breaker to deal with the few strays using UTF8mb4_unicode_ci collation. If it is a problem I can use a UTF8 collation and add information in a parenthesis in the Title field.


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