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custom fields // show field option description as tooltip


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is there a way to show the field option description from custom fields?
Because in the following code i want to show also the description what i have set to very option as tool-tip on top of the field value:

<?php if($CustomFields->field('jr_mslclimbability',$listing) != ''):?>
<div class="MslclimbabilityStatus">
  <div class="MslclimbabilityValue <?php echo $CustomFields->fieldtext('jr_mslclimbability',$listing,false,false); ?>" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title=">>>HAVE TO PLACE HERE THE OPTIONS DESCIPTION<<<">
    <?php echo $CustomFields->fieldtext('jr_mslclimbability',$listing,false,false); ?>
<?php endif;?>


Edited by n00bster
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