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Click2Search - specifying a different category (city)

Rik Brown

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I've been using the following Click2Search URL for the field jr_city:


The output of that URL returns all of the listings in every category for that specified city.

But what I would like to do is make the Click2Search URL return only our "city page" for that particular city

There is only one city page for each city and the catid for city pages is 162.

How would I change the above URL?

Thanks. -- Rik


The docs show the following: Click2Search URL - here you can adjust the url of Click2Search pages. For example, if you want the pages to return listings from the same category instead of from the same listing type, replace criteria:{criteriaid}/ with cat:{catid}/. Available tags are {criteriaid}, {catid}, {optionvalue}, {optiontext}, {fieldname} and {itemid}.

Sorry, this should be easy but I'm just not getting anywhere. Everything I've tried so far returns a server 400 error.

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