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Wrong expression in result URL


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Hey there!

I have some unusual trouble with the advanced search module.
I am using a custom theme with a predefined category select list (and some other filters):

<select name="data[categories][]" class="jrSelect">
	<option value="9">Was suchst Du?</option>
	<option value="">Weiß ich noch nicht</option>
	<option value="36">Mountainbikes</option>
	<option value="11">Citybikes</option>
	<option value="42">Rennräder</option>
	<option value="48">Trekkingräder</option>
	<option value="27">Fahrräder für Jugendliche</option>
	<option value="28">Fahrräder für Kinder</option>
	<option value="10">BMX</option>
	<option value="30">Falt-/Klappräder</option>
	<option value="31">Lastenräder</option>

But If I choose a value and search for it, I get the following result url:

Instead of the category name like "../mountainbikes/.." the url displays ".../jreviews/..." .

Best regards,

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