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Cookie Consent with filter function and page cache


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Hi there,

I try to use the developement filter "Cookie Consent" from documentation:

function disable_cookie_consent_features($consent)
   $cookieName = 'cookieconsent_status';
   if ( !isset($_COOKIE[$cookieName]) || ( isset($_COOKIE[$cookieName]) && $_COOKIE[$cookieName] !== 'dismiss' ) )
      $consent = false;
   return $consent;
Clickfwd\Hook\Filter::add('cookie_consent', 'disable_cookie_consent_features', 10);

This works fine until I activate my page cache system. Is there a way to combine this php code with JQuery like:

 jQuery(function ($test) {
	 var cookievalue = Cookies.get("cookie_consent");
	 var marketing_cookie = 'marketing":false';

if (cookievalue == null) {
     echo '<?php $consent = false;return $consent; ?>';
} else {
    console.log('Klaro existiert');
	if(cookievalue.indexOf(marketing_cookie) != -1) {
   echo '<?php $consent = false;return $consent; ?>';
} else {


In this way the script could load if cache is activated, also, isn't it? Maybe someone has an idea.

Best regards,


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