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iReview Theme CSS issue for Checkbox Review field


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Okay I updated the iReview them from 3.6 to the latest version (3.8.1) and I also did the big Joomla update.

I new I had to update JReviews but not the iReview template. I guess there is no upgrade notification built into Joomla for tempaltes?

I have been reviewing slowly all of my custom css changes. A few I didn't need any more and 1 is not working

If you visit my site and click the add a review button: https://www.reviewchatter.com/health-beauty/eye-care/ezcontacts

You will notice that the Customer Confirmation Field check box doesn't look right (the checkbox is thin and not aligned to the top). I want it to look like the "I consent to the storage and handling of the data provided in this form in accordance with this website's privacy policy." checkbox. Originally this review field would get cut off mid sentence but I added to custom.css


/* Customer Confirmation text to long fix */
.jrCustomerconfirmation label[for=jr_customerconfirmation_y] { 
 white-space: normal;

Which fixes that problem but made the line height not look right and the checkbox to be messed up.

How should I fix this?



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