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Show Banner Field in Relation of a Custom JReviews Field

Michael Pusch

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In the past I tried to show a Joomla Modul in relationship of a custom Jreviews field like jr_city. The approach like in the following topic from Steven isn't succesful how Alejandro explained to me.

In the meanwhile I don't give up to realize this and load the plugin "modules anywhere" from regular labs. With this plugin it is possible to load a Joomla module everywhere on the site with the simple code like this: {module Name of My Module}

If I put this code in a banner field the required modul is shown in JReviews - Very fine, but not exactly what I need.

My question is now: Is it possble to generate a banner code in relationship to a jreviews custom field?

For example: If custom field jr_city has the value "New York" show me the module {module New York}. And If custom field jr_city has the values "New York" and "Dallas" show me the module {module New York} and {module Dallas}.

My hope is that it is possible with the PHP Based Formatting field in field manager.


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