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Display thumbnail in listing detail


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I am struggling to output the default thumbnail on a listing detail page, I found the URL for it here  https://docs.jreviews.com/?title=How_to_output_thumbnail_url and tried the following to display it but it displays an error Call to a member function thumb() on null

	<img src="<?php echo $Thumbnail->thumb($listing,0,array('return_src'=>true,'tn_mode'=>$introThumbnailMode,'dimensions'=>array($introThumbnailSize)));?>"alt="<?php echo $listing['Listing']['title'];?>"title="<?php echo $listing['Listing']['title'];?>" />

Sorry if the answer is already on here somewhere but after searching for half an hour I can't find it.



Joomla 3.9.2 Jreviews v3.5.3.2

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