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Mobile (iphone) view


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Hello Alejandro,


Thank you again for this wonderful product. 


I have a suggestion for the mobile layout theme.


Please see the two attached pictures.


The one labelled "current.png" is how the text displays on the mobile phone.  Notice the large white space.  This is not desired.  It looks o.k. on a tablet or even when the mobile phone is turned sideways, but when you are looking at the "normal" portrait view on a phone, the text looks too small and scrunched together on the right side.


I would prefer of the default view looked more like the second image (see "desired.png")  Ironically, it displays this way already when the name of the product is too long and it wraps, forcing the text to display across the entire screen.


So on displays less than 480 pixels wide, I say drop the white space on the left side, and flow the logo for the full width but on top of the text.


Thanks for your consideration!






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