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[SOLVED] Problem with menu structure and links


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i have created in my top-menu a menu-point with a directory:


http://www.hdsports.at/bewertungen(the links doesnt works, because they are actually only activated for Admin)



as sub-menu i have 2 listings



i Use a SEO-Plugin which only show the actually category (without SEO-Plugin the link will be (http://www.hdsports.at/bewertungen/laufevents)


its the same structure as in the jreviews demo with "https://demo.jreviews.com/city-guide"and "https://demo.jreviews.com/city-guide/hotels".


but now the problem.

when i click in the listing to one review i get this link:


The "laufen" is from the category blog in the hidden-menu


but i would http://www.hdsports.at/laufevents/15792-10-meilen-laufen


what i do false?



EDIT: I think i solved the problem. Activate the JReviews SEF Plugin and set "Use core Category menus" to yes


Edited by www.HDsports.at
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