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howto - show business_hours indicator elsewhere (open, closed)


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with Alejandro's help and a patched "custom_fields.php" file you can display the "open or closed" indicator from the business hours where ever you want (at this time only on the detail views).


sample screenshot: post-20291-0-98434700-1468436947_thumb.png



1) upload the attached "business_hours_indicator" file in the "fields_phpformat" folder in your overrides.



edit the line 16 in this file, you have to link to your field with your "business_hours".


2) include the "business_hours_indicator.thtml" in one of your detail views of your choice and have fun ;)


3) include this code on your position of your choice in your "detail view" override file.

<?php /* LISTING Business Hours INDICATOR */ ?>
<?php echo $this->renderControllerView('fields_phpformat','business_hours_indicator');?>

When someone finds a solution to display the indicators also on listing views, that would be great B)


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