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Jreviews Listing Store Menu


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I am looking to create a store menu for my site (really wish Jreviews built one as it seems one of the best items to increase sales because web devs could work with more businesses then).  I had one that used the related listing mod, but I need the ability to add menu items not listed on the site.  So far this is what I am after.

1)  Needs to allow multiple product type categories to be created.  Category A, B, C.
2)  Under each category products are listed.

3)  Each product has the option to be linked to a jreviews listings but are not required to.  Which means when the title is clicked it will go that product page.  Plus multiple products can link the same listings if needed.
4)  Category header can be clicked to collapse it.
5)  Each product has up to 6 different pricing options that can have a price with quantity styling below in smaller letters.

7)  Each product has a "+" symbol next to it that can be clicked which shows custom information from the product that the listings owner for the business adds specific to the that product he added.
8)  If a product is linked to a listing and the + symbol is clicked specific fields will be loaded.  So for example if I sold an apple and the + is clicked then it might show the type of apple, the taste of the apple, ect.  The product fields you can create.
9)  If a product + is clicked the user and editor rating will show.


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