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Links to Listings and Categories in RSS Feeds are not Correct


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I regularly link to my jreviews categories and listings in my article blog posts. I use JCE Editor for my article editor and use the built in link manager to find the right categories and articles to link to. This works out great since it uses ids, etc.. so if I change the alias's of categories and articles I don't have to hunt through all my posts looking to fix links. Plus the links are transformed to nice looking urls thanks to jReviews sef plugin when the article is viewed online. Here is an example of a category link:


I notice the other day that in the RSS feeds that these links are not updated to the nice links by the sef plugin. Is there a reason for this? I hate to have 2 different urls pointing to the same content (though I assume that the canonical  link will take care of any duplicate content issues).


I also notice that while the listing link in the rss feed does take the visitor to the correct page (but not the correct url) that the category link does not. It takes me to just a list view of the articles in that category. It looks like JReviews is not stepping in and updating the layout.


Here it is in action


How can we get the jreveiws sef plugin to update the rss feeds with the correct information?





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