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How to check for the 'Show User Rating' setting?

Kurtis Houser

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I've created a custom widget for use on Facebook using the listings_tableview.thtml file. See attached screenshot. I would like to provide users with the option of disabling the Ratings column. However, since it's now a table I need to check the 'Show User Rating' setting so I can prevent the column from displaying if it's set to 'No.'


Here's a link to the FB tab page as well as the code.



 * JReviews - Reviews Extension
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 ClickFWD LLC
 * This is not free software, do not distribute it.
 * For licencing information visit https://www.jreviews.com
 * or contact [email protected]
defined( 'MVC_FRAMEWORK') or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );

// Custom fields that will be displayed in columns, uncomment the line below and replace field names in the array
$columnFields = array('jr_cheesemilktype'=>'Milk', 'jr_cheesemilktreatment'=>'Treatment');


// Make all urls absolute
$Html->abs_url = true;


$showfields = explode(",", $showfields);

 * Figure out what the 'read more' link should look like based on filters
$read_more_url = $WidgetRoutes->readMoreUrl($category, $config);


 <div class="jr-page jrPage jrListings jrTableview">

	<?php if(!empty($listings)):?>

		<div class="jrTableGrid jrDataList jrResults">

			<div class="jrRow jrDataListHeader">

				<div class="jrCol jrTableColumnThumbnail"></div>

				<div class="jrCol jrTableColumnMain"><?php __t("Details");?></div>

				<?php if(isset($columnFields)):?>

					<?php foreach($columnFields as $fieldName => $fieldLabel):?>

					<div class="jrCol jrTableColumnField"><?php echo $fieldLabel; ?></div>

					<?php endforeach;?>

				<?php endif;?>

                    <div class="jrCol jrTableColumnRatings"><?php __t("Ratings");?></div>


			<?php $i = 2; $j = 0; foreach($listings AS $listing): $i = $i == 2 ? 1 : 2; $j++;?>

				************ SET CONFIG OVERRIDES FOR EACH LISTING ************

                $mainMediaThumb = $Media->thumb(Sanitize::getVar($listing,'MainMedia'),array('listing'=>$listing,'thumbnailer'=>'api','size'=>$tnsize,'mode'=>$tnmode,'css_size'=>true));

                $featured = Sanitize::getInt($listing['Listing'],'featured') ? ' jrFeatured' : '';

                $size = explode('x',$tnsize);


				<div class="jrRow">

					<div class="jrCol jrTableColumnThumbnail" style="width: <?php echo $size[0]; ?>px">

						<?php if($mainMediaThumb):?>

						<div class="jrListingThumbnail">

                            <a href="<?php echo $CustomFields->field('jr_productpage',$listing, false, false);?>"><?php echo $mainMediaThumb;?></a>


						<?php endif;?>


					<div class="jr-listing-outer jrCol jrTableColumnMain">

						<div class="jrContentTitle">

                            <a href="<?php echo $CustomFields->field('jr_productpage',$listing, false, false);?>"><?php echo $CustomFields->field('jr_productname',$listing);?></a>


						<?php if($summary && ($summary_text = Sanitize::getString($listing['Listing'],'description')) != ''):?>

							<?php /* SUMMARY */ ?>

							<div class="jrListingSummary">

								<?php echo $Text->truncateWords($summary_text,$summary);?>


						<?php endif;?>


					<?php if(isset($columnFields)):?>

						<?php foreach($columnFields as $fieldName => $fieldLabel):?>

						<div class="jrCol jrTableColumnField"><?php echo $CustomFields->field($fieldName, $listing, false, false); ?></div>

						<?php endforeach;?>

					<?php endif;?>

					<div class="jrCol jrTableColumnRatings">

						<?php /* OVERALL RATINGS */ ?>
						<?php echo $Rating->overallRatings($listing, 'module'); ?>

                        <p class="jrButton"><?php echo $Html->sefLink("Write a review",$listing['Listing']['url']);?></p>



			<?php endforeach;?>


		<div class="jrClear"></div>

	<?php endif;?>


<div class="jrClear"></div>

<?php if($read_more_url != ''):?>

<h4 style="float:right;">Powered by <a href="http://www.itasteit.com">iTasteIt.com</a>!</h4>

<a class="jrButton" href="https://www.itasteit.com/producer/bellwether-farms">

	<?php __t("Rate our products!");?>


<?php endif;?>


Edited by Kurtis Houser
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