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cannot get PL field to show

adam parker1424296087

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I wouldn't post here unless I had thought of everything so I'm stuck on this one.


I have a website URL field called "jr_demolink".  It's in a group called "Sales". 


The field is set to anyone can add/edit or view

It's published

There's no special Access override in Listings Type manager

I have it set in my "Basic/Free" Paid Listing as a group that should show on every free Listing (the field is old but I just added it to my free listings last night so I could test the output).

I've cleared website cache

I've cleared jR cache


Now I can't get it to show anywhere.  I can't think of anything else to do. 


Is there something special I need to do when I add a field to a Paid Listing Plan in order for it to show?  Rebuild or something?

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