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FB-APP-Factory - Show more link in Facebook

Michael Pusch

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at first I want to wish you a merry christmas. I know that nobody is working today, but I'm very nosily of the FB-APP, bought it and let to install a valid SSL-Certifikation.

It works like a charme and the documentation is filled with all things knowing to setup this very good addon for jreviews.


But there is a little question about the "show more"-link on the facebook widget.

In the main configuration I disabled the secure urls and in the media store settings I put in both urls for storage: the main subdomain (bilder.domain.com) with http:// and the cloudfront url with https://


Now the browser shows a message, that not all elements are sure and wether want to show all elements. I think this comes from loading other scripts and css over the cdn. The user need only to klick the browser button: Yes, load all unsure elements, too. I know the risk.

Then its working fine, but I think, some users could be worried about this message. Is there a possibility to avoid this message?


All links from the FB-Widget on FB-Tab are beginning with the secure url (https://)

By klicking the jreviews page opens on the secure url, too, and every css and scripts loading from cloudfront do not load.

I think the reason is the same and I had to avoid, that those files do not load from cdn. Is this correct?


Thanks for this great app.




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