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New Facebook App Factory Add-on preview + Like us on Facebook!


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We've been secretly working on a new add-on that builds on top of the functionality of the WidgetFactory. The add-on will allow you to Build, Brand and Distribute your own Facebook Apps! Adding yet another platform you can use to create awareness for your site.


With the WidgetFactory we made it possible for you to create and distribute widgets form your own site that publishers can place on their websites. Now the FB App Factory will allow you to distribute those same widgets as your own branded Facebook Apps not only from your site, but also via the Facebook App Center.


We decided to let you take a sneak peek by installing it on our demo website and creating two demo Apps. You can find the two apps here:




And we installed them on our brand new JReviews FB page here:




Since you are already visiting our new FB page, please LIKE us on FB :)


You can install the Apps for testing on your own FB pages. As page admin you'll be able to setup them up using the App generator which is similar to the widget generator, but instead of copying code, you just click 'Save' to finish the setup. It looks like this http://screencast.com/t/IJzVw2dWkBTf




* The WidgetFactory Add-on.


* A valid SSL certificate. The FB App Factory Add-on will only work if your site has a valid SSL certificate to allow secure connections. This is because Facebook requires a secure connection from the App to your site. That doesn't mean you must change your site to SSL for all of your traffic right away. JReviews has a new SSL setting that allows you to change the JReviews URLs to no-SSL even when accessed via an SSL URL.


When can I purchase it and how much will it cost?


We are trying to finalize the add-on for an initial beta release, but don't have an exact date yet. We are also working out the pricing for the add-on and we'll let you in the release announcement.


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