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Widget married with Geomaps


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I need to customize my widget solution to allow for the following:


New fields in a customer building their Filter:


1. Postal Code & Radius

2. State

3. Country


ONE of the above three can be entered.


New Order by option:


1. Distance from entered postal code (if Postal Code selected)




For either Case 1: (Postal Code & Radius)


1. The system determines the current location and selects listings within the proper radius and can output the distance.


For either Case 2 or 3: (State or Country)


1. The system just selects based on match State or Country




1. The system will output listings based on distance and display the distance.




Could I get pointed in the right direction for coding this? Is it possible?




This functionality will allow me to let my community put widgets on their sites of listings that are local and meaningful to them.

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