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JReviews 2.4 Beta 2 has been released!


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We are pleased to announce the release of the second beta of JReviews 2.4. We have fixed over 27 bugs, made some usability improvements and added a couple of new settings. This version is available via remote upgrade for those of you that already installed Beta 1. It is also available as a new download from the client area. You need to have a valid upgrades package to be able to download this version.


In addition to the changes in JReviews, we've completely refactored the GeoMaps javascript code and many of the theme files so we have also released an update for GeoMaps.


Below is a list of the most important changes in this version


[tt]JReviews 2.4 Beta 2


+New: Title/value filtering in field options manager.

+New: css and js files are now loaded with an extra parameter to force browsers to download the latest version during upgrades. This avoids common browser caching issues.

+New: "Add Media" link in Listing Manager, in addition to the button shown in detail pages so it can be accessed directly from list pages.

+New: Media stats in JReviews admin dashboard.

+New: Main media alignment setting for detail pages.

+New: Setting to limit notifications to listing owners on new reviews when the owner has been approved via a claimed listing.

!Changed: More visible loading indicators in listing and search forms.

!Changed: Replaced listing title in post media upload status message with language string "Go to listing".

!Changed: Added default charset utf-8 to new database table creation queries.

!Changed: Allow numbers to be used in custom field names

#Fixed: Several theme/css improvements in both admin and front-end themes.

#Fixed: Not possible to edit audio upload details in media browse page because there's nothing to click on.

#Fixed: When removing control field and control values from field groups, the value is not removed from the database.

#Fixed: Load more link doesn't work in admin moderation queues.

#Fixed: Incorrect variable references in owner reply, reviews and review discussions moderation.

#Fixed: MyListings and MyFavorites pages display user id instead of user name in page title.

#Fixed: Several admin-side media upload related errors.

#Fixed: Error when using video embed with s3 storage.

#Fixed: Values of some advanced field settings are not recalled when editing the field.

#Fixed: It's not possible to modify the banner description and the "enter" key doesn't work in the field description or banner textareas.

#Fixed: Login button doesn't work in new listing submit page when displayed to guests and guests don't have submission access.

#Fixed: Editing title/description of embedded videos right after upload doesn't work.

#Fixed: In listings moderation, there's a field mixup between the listings that appear in moderation.

#Fixed: Conversion of single option fields top multiple option fields in adv. search and added descriptive text explaining how the search will work for the converted fields and those that were already multiple option fields and were not converted.

#Fixed: JCE Wysiwyg editor doesn't work with front-end listing editing.

#Fixed: Wysiwyg editor not reloaded when validation fails in admin side listing editing.

#Fixed: Added missing field ordering override in listing types manager.

#Fixed: Required checkbox field without checked value is not  validated.

#Fixed: Media uploads not working in IE.

#Fixed: Changing the local path for media storage doesn't have any effect.

#Fixed: Adding a duplicate field option doesn't display a validation message.

#Fixed: Control field and control values not remembered after adding a new field option.

#Fixed: When media list is empty an appropriate message is not displayed.

#Fixed: Using incorrect locale format when checking menus in MenuModel.

#Fixed: Using admin side translator in some front-end themes.

#Fixed: Tableview layout missing check for 'Section' key.

#Fixed: PHP var passed by reference error in MediaStorage component.

#Fixed: Installation issue with Joomla 1.5.


GeoMaps for JReviews 2.4 Beta 2


!Changed: Complete refactoring of javascript and theme files.

!Changed Google API calls made only when necessary.[/tt]

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