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Updating with CSV

Austin Cline1424296198

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I would dearly, dearly love for CSV to be capable of updating existing records. All my data comes out of a FileMaker Pro database and, to be quite honest, it's faster and easier for me to edit and add data there than via Joomla. For example, if I wanted to add a new custom field for my timelines for... cities, to give a simple example, I could create a "cities" field with a "Paris" option, and have "Paris" checked off in every entry that mentions Paris in... 5 or 10 minutes. Max.


I suppose if I were an expert I could do something very close with MySQL and phpMyAdmin, but I'm not an expert. And I would be hesitant about screwing up my main database.


But if I could do all the messy data handling in FMP then export to CSV and update that way, life would be good. Birds would sing, rainbows would come out... no, really!


I know it's possible because my wife has similar software that updates a VirtueMart store, keying off the unique product number. However, I realize that this probably isn't a priority because JR is the main focus. It has to be. But I know that JR is schedule for a major upgrade at some point and that may require upgrading CSV to keep it compatible. And if you have upgrade it anyway, maybe you could slip in the MySQL query code that will allow us to check off a "key" field to allow updating other selected fields.


Anyway, I thought I'd just throw this out there in the hopes you'd consider it. If it helps, I'd gladly pay again for it to have that functionality. I'm already wishing for it - after three months and 2k of articles, I've thought of some data I'd like to add to them, but really can't because I have to spend so much time getting the next month ready... and of course by the time the year is done and I have more time, the task of adding to the articles will be 5x as big because of having 5x as many articles there.

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