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An Adaptation of the Moderation Process


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The abilities of JReviews never cease to amaze me and the more I use it, the more I think "Wouldn't it be good if you could do this..."



Currently, if you enable moderation on edited listings, that listing is marked as unpublished in Joomla and any visitor will see a "404 page not found" error instead. I had a car for sale recently on autotrader.co.uk and whenever I made an edit, I was informed that the changes would take up to 24 hours to take effect. During this time, my listing, in it's unedited state was still online. I could also during this time continue to make changes on the newly edited listing whilst awaiting approval.


Would it be possible to implement some kind of "hold" table, where a copy of a listing, the edited version, is temporarily stored awaiting moderation? Once approved, this would then replace the original version.




Allow front-end moderation by selected users (e.g. listing owners) of reviews and/or comments. E.g., if I have a directory website with 1000's of listings, it would be helpful if I could allow a listing owner to moderate their own comments, although should I choose, I could prevent them from moderating reviews. This would be topped off if we had Access Override control at Listing Type level.

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