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Frontpaged has different url

Guest E Vreugd

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When a listing (or is it actually an article?) is frontpaged and I click the link to read more on the frontpage, then I go to a different url then when I  get to the same listing through the menu, for example Screenshots->Shooter->Gears of War 3.



Frontpaged takes me to: http://www.gamecritics.eu/19-screenshots/shooter/7-gears-of-war-3-5-nieuwe-screens

Not frontpaged takes me to: http://www.gamecritics.eu/component/content/article/19-screenshots/shooter/7-gears-of-war-3-5-nieuwe-screens


This brings me to my second issue. When frontpaged and I click the read more button, then the modules I have on the frontpage also show in the listing. When I get to the same listing (but different url) through the menu, I loose all the modules and the listing shows on full width of my template. Probably not a jReviews issue but maybe you can point me into the right direction to show those modules also on the listing page itself. Sofar I can only achieve this by setting this module to show on all pages but I do not want to show all the modules also on the forum and community pages.


My website is offline because it is in development. In ticketnumber DUN-887680 you will find the login details if necessary.

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