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Component Modification (not jreviews related)

Sheehan May

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I am currently developing a site that allows a nanny to submit their profile. Users looking to hire a nanny can then visit the site and view SOME of their information if they want to view all their information they must purchase a subscription. I have already found/setup/styled a component called Moset Trees (http://www.mosets.com/tree/) for the Nanny listings and found/setup a component that hides content based on if user is a subscriber or not (http://dioscouri.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=76&Itemid=146).


My issue is that I cant get the two components to play nice together. You will notice on the bottom of the page in the linked example below that I have added the code that hides content to the nanny listing template file (also linked below) but it does not work at all.


Example: http://nannyservices.net/newsite/index.php?option=com_mtree&task=viewlink&link_id=5&Itemid=0= 4


Template File: http://www.tigercreations.net/ uploadfiles/template.rtf


After a bunch of troubleshooting I learned two things:

1. Mosets Trees doesn't parse the text coming in from the template file for any Joomla Content codes

2. The Mosets Tree template file is not actually a Joomla PHP file - that 'runs' in Joomla.


So essentially what I need to do is modify Moset Trees to make it check for content plugin codes on its templates. Is this something anyone here would be able to do?

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