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Rich snippets guidance and query


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Hi. I notice that when i use the rich snippets testing tool on Google that content that just has an editor review but no user reviews doesn't show up.  Example this url with just one editor review and no user reviews http://www.ibikeride.com/trails/wales/brecon-beacons-mountain-biking.html


I get

Insufficient data to generate the preview.


Is this as expected? Is there any plan to incorporate rich snippets for editors reviews? I think it be nice to include rich snippets for this.


Also I notice that when I integrate rich snippets onto sobi2 where I am using jreviews it doesn't seem to work? Is this me doing something wrong or is there a plan to integrate


e.g. this sobi2 listing with two jreviews reviews http://www.ibikeride.com/bike-directory/bike-shops/two-wheels-good-ce_5.html delivers this

Insufficient data to generate the preview.


Many thanks







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