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Advanced Layout Options by Directory, Section (category), Category (subcategory)


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There is rarely a day that I am not impressed by JReviews and the support from Alejandro and the team.


We have done quite a bit of customization so we are no strangers JR at this point.  We also use K2 for content for our more magazine like content.  There exist two major areas where JR falls short of typical "CCK" functionality:


Image Handling: Almost everything about this (captions, layout options, meta).  I understand this is in the works.


Advanced Layout Options:  Right now, you get general configuration options, and then you get some overrides at the listing type level.  This means that if you want to set any kind of layout options at the directory, section or category level, you are stuck.  And, you have to be very careful with customization to retain native functionality (parameters you can set through CP) vs. those you customize through customization.  K2 is awesome at some things and this is one of them.  At times, I look at all the options, and wonder how many people use more than half of them, but they allow you to do a number of very critical things through the interface.  Some additional things that would make JR even better and bring it in line with other CCK projects:


-In general, have layout and view settings by Category (with subs able to inherit) (you can do some of this by using listing types but it is fairly restrictive)

-Set an image for a Directory, Section, or Category and set its size and appearance

-Select a template for each of the above from a pre-existing list of native or customized layouts

-Add attachments to content


Having made these requests.......I want to emphasize that there are so many other things that JR does better than others with a disciplined approach to adding fields of different types, support of Regex, clickable fields, sorting and so many other outstanding features that no other Joomla tools can touch. 

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