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I think I am doing something wrong...

Jeff Clark

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I am using default_02 in the blogview, and I had some modifications done to the PHP, so I need to make GeoMaps work in that layout.  During the video tutorial on how to set up GeoMaps, it said "If you don't want to use the geomaps theme, read the GeoMaps manual on how to add the map into other themes."  So, I have done that and tried to follow the instructions exactly for the 3 files and 1 folder, but I fear that I am not getting it right because GeoMaps isn't quite working yet. I am thinking maybe I transferred the wrong files or have them in the wrong spots.  Maybe someone could check the folder structure of what I moved to see if I got it right.  Oh, and I did clear the File Registry


Moved this


To this,




Moved this


To This




Moved this


To This




Moved this


To this



As far as I understand, just transferring those three files and 1 folder should enable geomaps to work.  Am I wrong?


Thank you for your time,



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