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[Solved] JoomlaWorks Tabs & Slides - Issue after Update

Guest Lintzy

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After upload of the recent patch, I can't use the slides function of JoomlaWorks anymore. Mouse hover a slide (JS) link shows http://www.mydomain.de/no javascript:void(null), if I click on this link, it slides down for 1 second, then it turns to a white page with error message "nojavascript:void(null)".  The tabs function still works on same page. Mousehover over working slide only shows:  javascript:void(null)


I figured out the line, that causes this issue.

First I uploaded the old files again, to fix the issue with the slides and the error message NOjavascript:void(null) instead of the functional javascript:void(null).


Then I have uploaded file for file of new patch to see, which file causes this issue. It is the file com_content_controller.php.


In next step I merged old com_content_controller.php with the new one from  patch to find the differences. I tested these differences line after line and can now confirm that line 139


$listing['Listing']['text'] = $this->clean($listing['Listing']['text']);


is the cause of the conflict with jwts (tabs&slides).


I have this line commented out now, but I hope, that you'll can give me a better solution.


The same code in line 334 brings no conflict, but this may be, because I use the slides of joomlaworks only in listings.



I can not provide a link to website, it is not online, but in development. I can post the code of jwts.php. And I found the line of jreviews, that causes this issue. Hope this will be enough.


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