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Placing link to registration and login pages

Catherine Hayes

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We are using JReviews with the Everywhere add-on to provide a multi-criteria rating system within Sobi2 listings.  Community Builder has also been installed. 


We would like to insert links to the CB registration and login mechanism in the text that appears on a listing prior to login "To write a review please register or login."  using the following


<p><?php __t("To write a review, please <a href='http://www.siteaddress.com/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=registers'>register</a> or <a href='http://www.siteaddress.com/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=login'>login</a>.");?></p>



To this end, we've edited the file /views/themes/default/everywhere/reviews.thtml with the above (the default theme has been selected within the backend configuration).  No changes appear upon viewing the frontend, so we assume another file must be edited to make this change.


Can you point us in the right direction?




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