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Customization - Rating Only Functionality

Guest Jerry Loberg

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I thought I would have found an add on for this or it is just something I am overlooking.


I am looking for a module that will allow me to run a site like the Hot or Not sites. A photo rating site. Ideally I would like it so that it would randomly display a review and allow the user to 'rate' it without having to create a login. I am not sure if I want / need to to hide the existing ratings until after they vote. If a user is registered it would then let them rate and post a review.


I am open to the functionality of the enhancement. The biggest thing is that I want people to be able to rate a review without having to login OR having to post a review.


If you know of a add on or way to do this with JReviews please let me know. If you feel it needs to be custom code and can do it, I am willing to pay a resonable fee for such customization.




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