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Looking for guidance re. reviews directory...

Guest Jeremy

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Hi all,


I'd like to get some advice / guidance on how best to launch a reviews directory using this awesome component. My query is, for someone launching a review directory from scratch, are there any benefits to using JReviews Everywhere with Mosets Tree or SOBI2 as opposed to the built-in directory functionality within JReviews itself? So far it seems to me that the use of the JReviews functionality produces very slick looking listings and reviews pages, but the management of the directory and listings is a bit messy (using com_content categories). Mosets and SOBI seem to enable easier directory management but (in my opinion) the resulting listings and reviews just don't look as good and aren't as usable.


Is there anything else that I'm missing, and does anyone have any advice for the best method to choose?





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