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Multiple Editor Reviews

Guest stodd

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I've run into a problem with my new jReviews configuraiton and was hoping that someone might have a solution (or be creative enough to develop one for us).


I have a wine site with a wine expert (think "editor") reviewing wines. As you can expect, he has multiple reviews for the same wine, as he has had more the one bottle of most wines. \


I'd like to enable him to post multiple "Editor's Review" for a wine so he could put all of his professional tasting notes for a wine at the top of the reviews.


Registered users could then add user notes underneath his pro "editor" reviews.


We have two types of users on our site: registered and subscriber

We'd also like subscribers to be able to see the editor reviews as well as post user reviews of a wine, while registered users could NOT see the editor reviews but could post user reviews for a wine.


Thanks for any thoughts!

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