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Drop down field selector in edit page


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I don't know if this has been requested by anyone else yet, but some of my site's staff members have asked if this could be added in a future version.


When you add a new item to the directory would it be possible to have a dropdown box next to custom fields with all existing database entries for that field in it.  And then have a box next to, or above this, to enter a new entry for this field.


This was when adding a new item to the directory, if the vaule needed for a custom field had already been entred for another item then it could be selected from the list, but if it wasn't in the list then it could be added.  Does that make sense?


The reason they are asking on my site is due to jReviews being used as a directory of video games so the same credits for coders, graphics artists and musicians are the same across many different games and having existing entries in a selectable list would make life easier for the staff to enter more games to the database than having to enter the names manually each time.  Do it manually also means spelling error could create variations in the names and therefore not return all instances o a name in the search results.


This may be too complicated to add this feature, but I thought I would ask.

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