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Automatically redirect review detail URLs to listing detail page.


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Someone recently asked why review detail pages continue to work even if review discussions are disabled. This is by design becase a review detail page is a piece of content on its own that can be shared and indexed even if discussions are disabled.

A filter can help deal with this if you have a specific need different from the core functionality like redirecting the URLs to the detail page. Of course you can also add a wildcard line to your robots.txt file to tell search engines to stop indexing these pages if that's what you want.

Here's the redirect filter https://www.jreviews.com/docs/hooks/before_theme_render_viewvars

Clickfwd\Hook\Filter::add('before_theme_render_viewvars_discussions_review', function($viewVars, $params) 
	$url = \Joomla\CMS\Router\Route::_($viewVars['listing']['Listing']['url']);
	cmsFramework::redirect($url, 301);

This goes in the jreviews_overrides/filters/filter_functions.php file per the documentation https://www.jreviews.com/docs/developers/hooks

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