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JReviews is now available


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Hey, today we have a new update for JReviews with new features, and maintenance releases for some of the Add-ons. Please refer to the changelogs on the site for complete list of changes.

The highlights:

Drag & drop re-ordering of autocomplete custom field tags

Related listing custom fields and multiselect fields with autocomplete enabled allow users to lookup values and select them.

Unfortunately, the resulting order in which those values were stored and shown on listings could not be easily modified without removing them first, saving the listing, and then adding them again in a different order.

The latest update makes re-ordering these tags a breeze using drag & drop!


Redesign of the media list page

Taking advantage of the work done to create the listing card layouts, the media list page was also redesigned with a youtube-ish feel and the result is really stunning! The Video gallery pages are also have the same design. See it on the demo site.


Lazy loading of images for huge page size performance gains

In a previews update, I had implemented Chrome's new native support for lazy loading, but after further consideration I decided to change the approach and have now implemented cross-browser and SEO friendly image lazy loading using the browser's IntersectionObvserver API which is available in all modern browsers. You can see it in action below, where the image requests are made only as the image is about to be shown to the user.

The page size reductions from this implementation are substantial. Imagine a list with 20 images of 30kb each, and a couple of modules with 5 images of 30kb each. That's 900kb! and the image sizes are conservative. With lazy loading, only the images that are visible on page load are requested, and even then, they are loaded after the page finishes loading. If you have a module or widget at the top of the page where you want to disable lazy loading, you can do this for card-based layouts using the layout customizer where a new setting is available.


The feature can also be completely disabled site-wide using a developer filter. See the example in the documentation

Image lazy loading is also implemented in the JReviews administration which improves the loading times of listing and media pages.

You can download the latest version now from the client area, or use the JReviews App Store to update directly from your site administration. 

I hope you enjoyed this update and wish you a very nice weekend!

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