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No access redirects non logged in user to joomla login page?


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If a guest attempts to view a jreviews category link that that they do not have access for, joomla redirects user to the joomla login page. I have business profile listings with access allowed by the public and normal category menu links which is fine. Regular user profiles cannot be viewed unless logged in and category menu link access set to registered. I had the menu for this bookmarked and browsed to a regular user profile category list, which there are no premissions for the public, and joomla sends to joomla login page. The joomla address is /component/users/login?Itemid=101 with a title of "Error"
Please login first

How can I set joomla to send these no access levels to the userprofiles login page with the message You must be logged in, whatever, instead of joomla when access is denied until logged in?


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